Project Description
The old floorboards of the Stöckelkeller can bear witness to the many happy hours that generations of satisfied guests have brought to the house. So much good karma should be preserved, decided Melanie and Arne Christoph Scholz, who lovingly renovated the former inn in the center of the village of Unternschreez since 2019 – with edictum as their wooden partner.
That’s why the strenuous days of countless feet walking on the floorboards are now over. Elaborately refurbished, they moved up a few floors from the basement and are now covering the staircase to the kitchen in the attic. Subtle, earthy colors bring calm to the room. But if the old floorboards inspire the residents to dance, you’ll definitely find the right ambience in the spacious kitchen with plenty of storage space.
#stoeckelkeller #edictum #beams #usedwood #oldwood #oldwoodfurniture #constructionwood #constructionwooddesign #madenewfromold #forourfurniturenotreeisfelled #interiordesign #scaffoldingwood #unique #furniture #uniquefurniture #tailormade #sustainability #ecological #designfurniture #bed #beambed #canopybed #dreambed #freespaceformaker #bedcanopy # Möbelentdecker @altholz @_wohnideen @wohnideen @einrichten_design @moebel_entdecker
Project Details
- Client private customer
- Date 21. November 2023
- Tags kitchen
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